Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 24: We Should Open a Theater!

Happy Friday! I am sitting in my car on the way to Tennessee to attend a story telling conference. I'm looking forward to a gorgeous and fun weekend. But, speaking of story telling, let me tell you about our story telling today.

Thanks to Evan's mom and dad, we have our reader's theater rendition of "The Three Little Pigs" on video tape! After we made our puppets of the little pigs and the big, bad wolf, the kids took turns being the wolf as this was the most popular character of all. The kids took turns being pig #1 who built the straw house, pig #2 who built the stick house, and pig #3 who built the strong brick house. After the wolf climbed up the chimney and fell into the pot of boiling water, the 'pigs' danced and sang "Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf? The big, bad wolf. The big, bad wolf? Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf? Tralalalala!" Surely, you must all remember that classic! Ms. Ellen videotaped all four shows and we are working on 'downloading it somewhere' so all of us can watch it. (Did you note my technical computer words?)

Our writing journals are providing ways for the kids to recall and retell personal experiences while working on a kindergarten learning standard of "representing spoken language with invented or conventional spelling". Our picture today was of a pig and the prompt was to 'tell me about the pig puppets we made'. We are working on starting the words/sentences from left to right and top to bottom.

The end of the day proved to be fun for all, thanks to Beau's mom who gave us a big box filled rice. We added beans and pasta, spread a big blanket on the floor and went to town! Not only was it a sensory experience, but the kids initiated conversation with each other, taking turns to pour the rice into bit and little cups, and navigated an activity in which a lot of hands wanted to be in the box at the same time! I think I must have 'eaten or drank' 20 cups of food and drink they created, wanting to know how it tasted.