The non-fiction text, How a Seed Grows by Helene Jordan taught us all about the germination process and the parts of a flower.
How does a tiny acorn grow into an enormous oak tree? At one time, the tree in your backyard could have fit into your pocket! Learn the simple steps for turning a packet of seeds into your own garden. |
The kids enjoyed this very fast movement video to reinforce the parts of a plant:
Ms. Angela came today and we practiced kicking, trapping the ball, and balancing. The entire time she promised the kiddos that if they listened and followed directions, she had a GREAT, BIG surprise at the end. She built the suspense as they kicked a soccer ball, trapped it with their feet, passed to a friend, and shot the ball in the goal. Then…..she brought out this HUGE, multi-colored ball. Each child took a turn sitting on top of the ball and balancing while Ms. Angela rolled it from side to side. Some children needed more encouraging (and hand holding) than others…..but everyone took a turn!