Monday, May 14, 2012

From Tadpole to Frog!

We learned all about the life cycle of frogs with a great book, From Tadpole to Frog.

This morning, it was pouring- so we opted to stay inside and do literacy centers instead of getting all wet.  No one complained about that decision!

Ms. Carol led a sound/spelling game, while Ms. Ellen did a sound center with children individually.  Other children worked on a puzzle or wrote letters and drew pictures.  After centers, Ms. Carol shared a frog book that had a three dimensional frog skelton.  It was the hit of the day!

The kids enjoyed most of The Magic School Bus Hops Home....until the internet stopped working the last five minutes.  No one was upset though, and we made up our own endings!

After lunch, we did our daily journals and made these adorable frog hats. 
Check out our frog hats!

Finally, we watched the frog life cycle on a short video and sand last week's ant song.  No a bad start to a rainy week!