Friday, March 9, 2012

Go by Wheels!

Wheels!  By Annie Cobb
Our on-going Transportation Tree Map
Look at all they types of transportation with wheels!  We know them all!

We finished up our week of Things that 'Go by Wheels' !  As you'll see in the above pictures, we learned about many, many types of transportation that goes by wheels.  The book, Wheels was really helpful!  Next, we headed out for a 'Wheel Walk'.  We started out counting every wheel we saw.....the kids guessed we would see 80....we stopped counting around 30- we weren't even out of the parking lot!

The tractor trailor that appeared in the church's parking lot this week has been the topic of 'wheel' turns out that the wheels are almost as big as the children.  On our walk we found huge wheels, medium wheels, small wheels, and tiny wheels.  We saw wheels on trash cans.....hose reels....strollers.....lawn many wheels in one city block.

Completely off topic, but the kids continue to request the 100 counting song- we HAD to sing it twice today.

Enjoy this Raffi song- the kids LOVE it!

We can't wait to learn all about types of transportation that goes by air next week. We are heading to the Aviation Museum on Thursday and will make blimps on Friday.  If anyone has a book about helicopters to share, we would love to use it.  We've scoured several libraries but can't seem to find one.  Enjoy the weekend!