Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 18: "OUT AND ABOUT"!

Your kids should sleep well tonight! We were outside for about 90 minutes today, walking and playing at the park. Ms. Ellen joined us so it was special treat. The kids spotted all the signs that were in the book we took along. Each time they spotted a sign, we put their name underneath the picture. The kids were very careful at the stop signs and and stop lights to look both ways and listen for cars before we crossed. Pretty soon we will be writing letters and sending them in the mailbox just like the preschool kids did today.

Nature holds wonderful surprises and today it was some huge mushrooms that we saw on our walk. We picked up one of the biggest mushrooms and described how it looked and felt.

A wonderful park is just down the road from the church and I am so we found it! At first, there were just a few other children playing at the park. Our kids joined right in, playing on the swings, a great big slide, climbing up the toys, and chasing each other. Evan made a friend with another boy at the park as they played tag and ran around the playground. Beau met a friendly dog, Mandy, whose owner let him talk to and pet. Tucker gathered up some very big leaves to show everyone. Joseph was moving so fast, I had a hard time taking a picture of him!

Evan brought a green mask with green lights for 'Show and Tell'! He shared the mask with the kids who wanted to try it on. A show of hands told us that almost everyone thought the mask was scary.

With little legs and bodies being quite worn out by the end of the day, we had quiet reading time to rest a bit. Then, it was on to music time! The instruments were brought out and played enthusiastically while we sang songs. Between each couple of songs, the kids put their instrument back into the middle of the circle and chose different ones to play. They weren't always able to choose the one they wanted as someone else may have picked it before them. Some disappointment at times, but everyone was able to move through it and enjoy the activity.

Tomorrow is Friday!