Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"Getting to Know You!"

Our first day of school was filled with getting to know each other by participating in group singing, art activities, playing outside and reading a book together. Our month's theme is "All About Me" with this week focusing on learning about our body parts, how we are similar and different from each other and the kinds of things each of us like.

Today, our activities included:
Book: "What is Your Name?"
Art: Gluing tissue paper to our names that were written on a big piece of paper.
Center time: Pre-writing skills: We 'excercised' our hands by rolling
out our play dough and cutting it.
Social story "It might not be fun, but it has to be done!"
Completing our very first page of our '100 Days of School'
book and reading it to each other.
Song: "What is your name?" which you can locate on
YouTube by entering 'What's Your Name?' Matt Parr. You might
want to peruse his website, "http://www.DreamEnglish.com/,
which has free songs to download along with some videos.
The words to this song are also available.
Suggestions: A book accompanies this song and is available
on the above website which can be printed out. I had a great
time listening to some of Matt's songs and I think you will too!

Ms. Gail