Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Superlative Day Today!

How do you build a snowman?  Make snowballs that are Big......Bigger......and......Biggest!  What a fun way to learn about comparatives and superlatives!  It's clearly a new concept that will require lots more work this week, but a hands-on concept that proves to be lots of fun.

Our story today was All You Need for a Snowman by Alice Schertle.  In this story, the author breaks down the materials needed to make a snowman by saying "All you need for a snowman is....a snowflake......EXCEPT....", then adds another item.  Each time an item is added, that's all you need.....EXCEPT.....  The children noted missing items on each page, "He needs a mouth!"  "He needs a scarf!"  "He needs a carrot nose!"  You can't fool TSGI TK kids!  

After reading the text, Evan and Beau shared some items they brought for our snowman collage that we will make on Friday.  We decided to collect twigs from the playground to use as arms, so outside we went!  The kids had fun trying to find just the right size twig- not too fat....not too skinny.....not too long.....not too short.  The collections ended up in a few pockets, so be forewarned.....just in case a few twigs remain!  We have a collection of collage materials, please feel free to send in any more!

The children are doing so well the 10 sounds we have learned thus far.  We reviewed them all today and I am amazed at how much they remembered over the long weekend.  Next, we will introduce a few vowels so we can start making words (Thursday).

Our new Everyday Word is ...... 'is'!  Please practice the words at home, letting your child 'read' those when you come to them while reading books.  

We learned a new poem today, Little Snowman.  It's filled with Everyday Words.  Have your child circle each one with  a crayon then 'read' the poem to you.  Please help him memorize the poem.

Today's art project also doubled as a sensory activity (for the children....and ME!).  Using wax paper with three circles, we filled a snowman shape with glue.  It required lots and lots of hard squeeeeeeezing!!  We added some decorations and twig arms.  Once dry, we plan to peel the glue off and (hopefully) have little plastic snowmen.  

It's taken a while, but during journals today, everyone was able to work independently for at least 5 minutes.  I sat back and watched as all my little friends busily (and happily) wrote words and read about our day.  I even took a picture!  

The Holloway family secretly remade some borax snowflakes (which turned out great- apparently, the 'magic' wasn't concentrated enough).  The new snowflakes appeared in class today and the children were so excited to see 'their' magic snowflakes and chatted about them.  When done correctly, they are beautiful!  We might use them in class for decorations before sending them home.  

ImaginOn Trip Tomorrow-  I can't wait to take my four little friends to ImaginOn tomorrow!  Come dressed for really cold weather.