To bring penguins to life, we watched several videos of penguins......all of which are hilarious (or maybe I'm just partial to penguins). We saw penguins swimming, jumping, sliding, falling, waddling, sleeping, talking, singing, eating......they are busy little creatures.
Using this new information, we organized it in a tree map. "Penguins have....." "Penguins can....." and "Penguins are....." The children helped place each fact in the correct category. As learn more about penguins, we will continue to add new facts to our tree map.
Finally, we walked like a penguin by placing a ball between our ankles and 'waddling'. See the cute pictures below!
Of course, we practiced sounds, combining sounds into words, and spent a long time on our journals. Everyone wrote, copied, or traced at least one WHOLE sentence about penguins!
The rest of the week is all about penguins! YEA!